We are dedicated to provide the best possible customer service. Please feel free to contact us. Don’t forget to visit our SHOP SPECIAL page to see our current offers.
Driving Directions
Where are you coming from?
Please enter Street Address, City, and ZIP Code
- Sparks Tire & Auto
Address: 1665 Scherer Pkwy.
St Charles, MO 63303 - Master Auto Repair
Address: 8216 Watson Rd.
St Louis, MO 63119 - Safe Way Tire and Auto Center
Address: 2539 West Clay.
St Charles, MO 63301 - Henry’s Auto & Tire
Address: 8595 Page Ave.
Overland, MO 63114 - Fred’s Complete Car Care
Address:1474 S. Service Rd.
Wentzville, MO 63385 - Coffey Automotive
Address:250 Exchange Dr.
St Charles, MO 63303 - Midtown Tire & Auto Service
Address: 4101 Lindell Blvd.
St Louis, MO 63108 - Certified Performance & Auto Repair Inc.
Address: 1030 Industrial Ct
Moscow Mills, MO 63362 - CarSmart Auto Service
Address:7921 Watson Rd.
Webster Groves, MO 63119 - Country Club Tire & Auto
Address: 20 Hawks Nest Plaza
St. Charles, MO 63303 - Martin’s Automotive Center
Address: 4301 Ilbery Rd.
Mt. Vernon, IL 62864 - Weldon Spring Automotive & Tire
Address: 818 O’Fallon Rd.
St. Charles, Mo. 63304 - O’Fallon Garage
Address: 203 South Main St.
O’Fallon, MO 63366 - Strosnider Enterprises LLC
Address: 3355 E Terra Ln
O’Fallon, MO 63366, USA - Lawler & Balthasar Auto Repair
Address: 2741 Locust St.
St. Louis Missouri 63103 - Parker Automotive
Address: 5800 E. IL Hwy 15
Woodlawn IL 62898 - Lindenwood Auto Service
Address: 1011 Chargene
St Charles MO 63301 - Azar Automotive
Address: 1620 North and South
Vinita Park MO 63130 - Clarks Automotive Complete Auto Repair
Address: 600 Wiethaupt Rd
Florissant, MO 63031 - Jordan’s Auto Service
Address: 7489 Delmar
University City MO 63130 - Gary’s Auto Service
Address: 1779 N Highway 67
Florissant MO 63033 - Sullivan Tire Automotive Center
Address: 8123 N Lindbergh
Florissant MO 63031 - Mark 1 Tire and Auto Service
Address: 10188 Page Ave
Overland MO 63132 - Floyd’s Tire and Car Care Center
Address: 8646 St. Charles Rock Rd
St. Louis MO 63114 - Leach BP Service
Address: 9720 Manchester Road
Rock Hill, MO 63119 - STS Car Care
Address: 6507 West Florissant Ave.
Jennings, MO 63136 - Auto World Inc.
Address: 801 James S. McDonnell Blvd.
Hazelwood, MO 63042
NAPA AutoCare is designed with today’s consumers in mind. NAPA knows that a primary concern by many consumers is to find a reputable repair business that performs quality work and at a fair price.
NAPA AutoCare is not a franchise, but rather, a quality standard where independent repair business owners are invited to join based upon their community reputation, integrity, qualifications and expertise. If you’re interested in locating a quality repair center for your vehicles, the following are recommended.
Participating repair shops by location / type:
Sparks Tire & Auto Contact: Ronald Tinner E-mail: ron@sparkstireandauto.com Website: www.sparkstireandauto.com Phone: 636-946-5900 Address: 1665 Scherer Pkwy. St Charles, MO 63303 |
Master Auto Repair Contact: Mike Najjar Website: www.masterautoandtire.com Phone: 314-843-0090 Address: 8216 Watson Rd. St Louis, MO 63119 |
Safe Way Tire and Auto Center Contact: Jay Moore E-mail: info@safewaytire.com Website: www.safewaytire.com Phone: 636-723-2600 Address: 2539 West Clay. St Charles, MO 63301 |
Henry’s Auto & Tire Contact: Barry Hufstedler/Jerry Henry E-mail: hufstedlerjb@sbcglobal.net Website: www.henrysautotire.com Phone: 314-429-4756 Address: 8595 Page Ave. Overland, MO 63114 |
Fred’s Complete Car Care Contact: Fred McGinley E-mail: fredsmuffler@sbcglobal.net Website: www.fredsmuffler.com Phone: 636-639-1446 Address: 1474 S. Service Rd. Wentzville, MO 63385 |
Coffey Automotive Contact: Jeff Coffey E-mail: jbcoffeeshop@sbcglobal.net Website: www.coffeyauto.com Phone: 636-947-4709 Address: 250 Exchange Dr. St Charles, MO 63303 |
Midtown Tire & Auto Service Contact: Elliot Rich E-mail: midtowntire@sbcglobal.net Website: www.midtowntirestl.com Phone: 314-533-4300 Address: 4101 Lindell Blvd. St Louis, MO 6310 |
Certified Performance & Auto Repair Inc. Contact: Brad Francis E-mail: contact@stlcarrepair.com Website: www.stlcarrepair.com/ Phone: 636-356-4200 Address: 1030 Industrial Ct Moscow Mills, MO 63362 |
CarSmart Auto Service Contact: Dan DeCaro E-mail: ddecaro@sbcglobal. Website: www.carsmartstl.com Phone: 314-398-9496 Address: 7921 Watson Rd. Webster Groves, MO 63119 |
Country Club Tire & Auto Contact: Joe Drier E-mail: joedrier@yahoo.com Website: www.countyclubtireandauto.com Phone: 636-946-695 Address: 20 Hawks Nest Plaza St. Charles, MO 63303 |
Martin’s Automotive Center Contact: Alan D. Martin E-mail: almartin101@gmail.com Website: www.martinsautocenter.com Phone: 618-242-2200 Address: 4301 Ilbery Rd. Mt. Vernon, IL 62864 |
Weldon Spring Automotive & Tire Contact: Mitch Propp Email: wsauto@gmail.com Website: www.weldonspringsauto.com Phone: 636-498-6600 Address: 818 O’Fallon Rd. St. Charles, Mo. 63304 |
O’Fallon Garage Contact: Dennis R. Sherman Website: www.ofallongarage.com Phone: 636-281-3232 Address: 203 South Main St. O’Fallon, MO 63366 |
Strosnider Enterprises LLC Contact: Eric Strosnider Email: eric@strosnideronline.com Website: www.strosnideronline.com Phone: 636-397-4075 Address: 3355 E Terra Ln O’Fallon, MO 63366, USA |
Lawler & Balthasar Auto Repair Contact: Mark Balthasar E-mail: mark@lawlerandbalthasar.com Website: www.lawlerandbalthasar.com Phone: 314-371-2741 Address: 2741 Locust St. St. Louis Missouri 63103 |
Parker Automotive Contact: David Parker Email: info@parkerauto.net Phone: 618-735-9000 Address: 5800 E. IL Hwy 15 Woodlawn IL 62898 |
Lindenwood Auto Service Contact: Kevin Zerr and Joe Shine E-mail: lindenwoodauto@sbcglobal.net Phone: 636-946-3339 Address: 1011 Chargene St Charles MO 63301 |
Azar Automotive Contact: Jeremy Broad and Mike Neukomm Email: azarautomotive@att.net Website: www.azarautomotive.com Phone: 314-426-2323 Address: 1620 North and South Vinita Park MO 63130 |
Clarks Automotive Complete Auto Repair Contact: Bob Clark Phone: 314-837-5151 Address: 600 Wiethaupt Rd Florissant, MO 63031 |
Jordan’s Auto Service Contact: Mike Jordan Email: jordans_auto_mo@napaautocare.com Website: Click here Phone: 314-725-1212 Address: 7489 Delmar University City MO 63130 |
Gary’s Auto Service Contact: Mike Moehlenkamp E-mail: mike@garysautoonline.com Website: www.garysautoonline.com/ Phone: 314-831-5843 Address: 1779 N Highway 67 Florissant MO 63033 |
Sullivan Tire Automotive Center Contact: Barb Sullivan Email: info@sullivantirestl.com Website: www.sullivantirestl.com Phone: 314-837-6477 Address: 8123 N Lindbergh Florissant MO 63031 |
Mark 1 Tire and Auto Service Contact: Michael Thomure E-mail: info@mark1tire.com Website: www.mark1tire.com Phone: 314-429-7775 Address: 10188 Page Ave Overland MO 63132 |
Floyd’s Tire and Car Care Center Contact: Mike Gabriel Email: floyds8646@yahoo.com Website: www.floydstires.com Phone: 314-427-2840 Address: 8646 St. Charles Rock Rd St. Louis MO 63114 |
Leach BP Service Contact: Judith Leach E-mail: Leachbpservice@sbcglobal.net Website: www.leachservice.com Phone: 314-962-5550 Address: 9720 Manchester Road Rock Hill, MO 63119 |
STS Car Care Contact: Steve Pokorny Email: stscarcare@att.net Website: www.stscarcare.com Phone: 314-385-6700 Address: 6507 West Florissant Ave. Jennings, MO 63136 |
Auto World Inc. Contact: Tony Dordi Website: www.stlautoworld.net/ Phone: 314-244-3767 Address: 801 James S. McDonnell Blvd. Hazelwood, MO 63042 |