- Sparks Tire & Auto
Address: 1665 Scherer Pkwy.
St Charles, MO 63303 - Master Auto Repair
Address: 8216 Watson Rd.
St Louis, MO 63119 - Safe Way Tire and Auto Center
Address: 2539 West Clay.
St Charles, MO 63301 - Henry’s Auto & Tire
Address: 8595 Page Ave.
Overland, MO 63114 - Fred’s Complete Car Care
Address:1474 S. Service Rd.
Wentzville, MO 63385 - Coffey Automotive
Address:250 Exchange Dr.
St Charles, MO 63303 - Midtown Tire & Auto Service
Address: 4101 Lindell Blvd.
St Louis, MO 63108 - Certified Performance & Auto Repair Inc.
Address: 1030 Industrial Ct
Moscow Mills, MO 63362 - CarSmart Auto Service
Address:7921 Watson Rd.
Webster Groves, MO 63119 - Country Club Tire & Auto
Address: 20 Hawks Nest Plaza
St. Charles, MO 63303 - Martin’s Automotive Center
Address: 4301 Ilbery Rd.
Mt. Vernon, IL 62864 - Weldon Spring Automotive & Tire
Address: 818 O’Fallon Rd.
St. Charles, Mo. 63304 - O’Fallon Garage
Address: 203 South Main St.
O’Fallon, MO 63366 - Strosnider Enterprises LLC
Address: 3355 E Terra Ln
O’Fallon, MO 63366, USA - Lawler & Balthasar Auto Repair
Address: 2741 Locust St.
St. Louis Missouri 63103 - Parker Automotive
Address: 5800 E. IL Hwy 15
Woodlawn IL 62898 - Lindenwood Auto Service
Address: 1011 Chargene
St Charles MO 63301 - Azar Automotive
Address: 1620 North and South
Vinita Park MO 63130 - Clarks Automotive Complete Auto Repair
Address: 600 Wiethaupt Rd
Florissant, MO 63031 - Jordan’s Auto Service
Address: 7489 Delmar
University City MO 63130 - Gary’s Auto Service
Address: 1779 N Highway 67
Florissant MO 63033 - Sullivan Tire Automotive Center
Address: 8123 N Lindbergh
Florissant MO 63031 - Mark 1 Tire and Auto Service
Address: 10188 Page Ave
Overland MO 63132 - Floyd’s Tire and Car Care Center
Address: 8646 St. Charles Rock Rd
St. Louis MO 63114 - Leach BP Service
Address: 9720 Manchester Road
Rock Hill, MO 63119 - STS Car Care
Address: 6507 West Florissant Ave.
Jennings, MO 63136 - Auto World Inc.
Address: 801 James S. McDonnell Blvd.
Hazelwood, MO 63042
NAPA AutoCare is designed with today’s consumers in mind. NAPA knows that a primary concern by many consumers is to find a reputable repair business that performs quality work and at a fair price.
NAPA AutoCare is not a franchise, but rather, a quality standard where independent repair business owners are invited to join based upon their community reputation, integrity, qualifications and expertise. If you’re interested in locating a quality repair center for your vehicles, the following are recommended.
Participating repair shops by location / type:
Sparks Tire & Auto Contact: Ronald Tinner E-mail: ron@sparkstireandauto.com Website: www.sparkstireandauto.com Phone: 636-946-5900 Address: 1665 Scherer Pkwy. St Charles, MO 63303 |
Master Auto Repair Contact: Mike Najjar Website: www.masterautoandtire.com Phone: 314-843-0090 Address: 8216 Watson Rd. St Louis, MO 63119 |
Safe Way Tire and Auto Center Contact: Jay Moore E-mail: info@safewaytire.com Website: www.safewaytire.com Phone: 636-723-2600 Address: 2539 West Clay. St Charles, MO 63301 |
Henry’s Auto & Tire Contact: Barry Hufstedler/Jerry Henry E-mail: hufstedlerjb@sbcglobal.net Website: www.henrysautotire.com Phone: 314-429-4756 Address: 8595 Page Ave. Overland, MO 63114 |
Fred’s Complete Car Care Contact: Fred McGinley E-mail: fredsmuffler@sbcglobal.net Website: www.fredsmuffler.com Phone: 636-639-1446 Address: 1474 S. Service Rd. Wentzville, MO 63385 |
Coffey Automotive Contact: Jeff Coffey E-mail: jbcoffeeshop@sbcglobal.net Website: www.coffeyauto.com Phone: 636-947-4709 Address: 250 Exchange Dr. St Charles, MO 63303 |
Midtown Tire & Auto Service Contact: Elliot Rich E-mail: midtowntire@sbcglobal.net Website: www.midtowntirestl.com Phone: 314-533-4300 Address: 4101 Lindell Blvd. St Louis, MO 6310 |
Certified Performance & Auto Repair Inc. Contact: Brad Francis E-mail: contact@stlcarrepair.com Website: www.stlcarrepair.com/ Phone: 636-356-4200 Address: 1030 Industrial Ct Moscow Mills, MO 63362 |
CarSmart Auto Service Contact: Dan DeCaro E-mail: ddecaro@sbcglobal. Website: www.carsmartstl.com Phone: 314-398-9496 Address: 7921 Watson Rd. Webster Groves, MO 63119 |
Country Club Tire & Auto Contact: Joe Drier E-mail: joedrier@yahoo.com Website: www.countyclubtireandauto.com Phone: 636-946-695 Address: 20 Hawks Nest Plaza St. Charles, MO 63303 |
Martin’s Automotive Center Contact: Alan D. Martin E-mail: almartin101@gmail.com Website: www.martinsautocenter.com Phone: 618-242-2200 Address: 4301 Ilbery Rd. Mt. Vernon, IL 62864 |
Weldon Spring Automotive & Tire Contact: Mitch Propp Email: wsauto@gmail.com Website: www.weldonspringsauto.com Phone: 636-498-6600 Address: 818 O’Fallon Rd. St. Charles, Mo. 63304 |
O’Fallon Garage Contact: Dennis R. Sherman Website: www.ofallongarage.com Phone: 636-281-3232 Address: 203 South Main St. O’Fallon, MO 63366 |
Strosnider Enterprises LLC Contact: Eric Strosnider Email: eric@strosnideronline.com Website: www.strosnideronline.com Phone: 636-397-4075 Address: 3355 E Terra Ln O’Fallon, MO 63366, USA |
Lawler & Balthasar Auto Repair Contact: Mark Balthasar E-mail: mark@lawlerandbalthasar.com Website: www.lawlerandbalthasar.com Phone: 314-371-2741 Address: 2741 Locust St. St. Louis Missouri 63103 |
Parker Automotive Contact: David Parker Email: info@parkerauto.net Phone: 618-735-9000 Address: 5800 E. IL Hwy 15 Woodlawn IL 62898 |
Lindenwood Auto Service Contact: Kevin Zerr and Joe Shine E-mail: lindenwoodauto@sbcglobal.net Phone: 636-946-3339 Address: 1011 Chargene St Charles MO 63301 |
Azar Automotive Contact: Jeremy Broad and Mike Neukomm Email: azarautomotive@att.net Website: www.azarautomotive.com Phone: 314-426-2323 Address: 1620 North and South Vinita Park MO 63130 |
Clarks Automotive Complete Auto Repair Contact: Bob Clark Phone: 314-837-5151 Address: 600 Wiethaupt Rd Florissant, MO 63031 |
Jordan’s Auto Service Contact: Mike Jordan Email: jordans_auto_mo@napaautocare.com Website: Click here Phone: 314-725-1212 Address: 7489 Delmar University City MO 63130 |
Gary’s Auto Service Contact: Mike Moehlenkamp E-mail: mike@garysautoonline.com Website: www.garysautoonline.com/ Phone: 314-831-5843 Address: 1779 N Highway 67 Florissant MO 63033 |
Sullivan Tire Automotive Center Contact: Barb Sullivan Email: info@sullivantirestl.com Website: www.sullivantirestl.com Phone: 314-837-6477 Address: 8123 N Lindbergh Florissant MO 63031 |
Mark 1 Tire and Auto Service Contact: Michael Thomure E-mail: info@mark1tire.com Website: www.mark1tire.com Phone: 314-429-7775 Address: 10188 Page Ave Overland MO 63132 |
Floyd’s Tire and Car Care Center Contact: Mike Gabriel Email: floyds8646@yahoo.com Website: www.floydstires.com Phone: 314-427-2840 Address: 8646 St. Charles Rock Rd St. Louis MO 63114 |
Leach BP Service Contact: Judith Leach E-mail: Leachbpservice@sbcglobal.net Website: www.leachservice.com Phone: 314-962-5550 Address: 9720 Manchester Road Rock Hill, MO 63119 |
STS Car Care Contact: Steve Pokorny Email: stscarcare@att.net Website: www.stscarcare.com Phone: 314-385-6700 Address: 6507 West Florissant Ave. Jennings, MO 63136 |
Auto World Inc. Contact: Tony Dordi Website: www.stlautoworld.net/ Phone: 314-244-3767 Address: 801 James S. McDonnell Blvd. Hazelwood, MO 63042 |