Given the continued improvements and advances in technology, today’s small business owners may be confused about how to utilize the variety of online resources available to them. From websites and social networks to customer interactions and coupons, it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle. We advocate one simple rule that makes a big difference: Make Your Website the Hub of Your Business Online.

What does this mean? Simply put, anywhere your business is online that is not your website should lead back to your website.

That may sound complicated, but it’s pretty easy to understand in practice. For example, if you create a video and post it to YouTube, it should also be somewhere on your website. The video should end with your website URL. A link to your website should be in the description. Make the website the goal. You want viewers of the video to go to your website. This is driving traffic which leads to new customers. A video is no good to your business if it does not lead back to your website.

Social Media profiles should also be extensions of your website. The profile pages should reflect your website design-wise, and then have clearly visible links to your website. You don’t need to constantly spam your followers with links to your website, but be sure to update them on any new features or blog updates as they develop.

Print and traditional media should also lead to your website. Make sure your website URL is on any flyers, brochures, postcards, or business cards you pass out. If your business has a commercial, make sure it ends with your website’s URL (and put the video on YouTube, with the appropriate links!).


At the end of the day, you want your website to be a hub. Think of a tire. Each branch of online marketing (social media profiles, business listings, blogs) are a spoke. They should all seamlessly lead into the hub, the website.